NAACP Robertsine Duncan Youth Council ACT-SO attending College Fair and Workshops at the NAACP National ACT-SO Competition

History of the Robertsine Duncan Youth Council
The Norwich NAACP Youth Council was chartered on May 15, 1999 and named in honor of Mrs. Robertsine Duncan. Mrs. Duncan served as Secretary of the Norwich Branch for six years in the early 1990’s and she was deeply passionate about her work and her involvement with young people. She believed that children provided with love and help would grow up to become fine young men and women.
The Robertsine Duncan Youth Council held its 1st Freedom Fund Dinner on May 14th, 2009. The theme of the Freedom Fund Dinner was “ The Bridge from Yesterday to the Future.” Over the twenty-one years the Roberstsine Duncan Youth Council has existed, they have actively advocated and supported the youth of the community. Sharing the mission of the NAACP the Youth and College Chapters has always been and always will be the goal of the Robertsine Duncan Youth Council.
Membership is open to any person under the age of 25. The focus is on training and developing the skills necessary for leadership and activism. Mobilization, community education, and youth activities are essential focus areas of the Youth Council.
The RDYC has 6 standing committees:
Education Committee
- Protect the right of all children to equal educational opportunity
- Eliminate discrimination in education
- Be informed of school practices and strive to correct issues
Employment & Economic Empowerment Committee
- Empower youth economically
- Encourage and development of job readiness training and programs for youth
- Eliminate discriminatory employment practices
Health Committee
- Research, address, and educate the areas of health that is plaguing the minority community and bring it to the forefront of the community
Political Action Committee
- Protect the political interests of minorities and distribute nonpartisan information
- Seek the repeal of racially discriminatory legislation
- Create policies that help communities of color
Juvenile Justice Committee
- Address the disparities that exist within the justice system that affects both the youth and the community
- Mentoring programs with juvenile offenders
- Monitor incarceration rates and juvenile offenses in the Norwich community

NAACP RDYC hosts the local Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO). Our students can go on to compete at the national level.